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Contact Us

Phone: 0039 0648989686

Phone/ fax: 00390648913080

In case of emergency, the owner can be reached at the following mobile phone number: 0039 3357825023

Email :

Special customer list

Get in touch with us for information regarding upcoming events in Rome, for a custom-made quote based on your needs and to receive exclusive offers only available to members of our “Special customer” list, by filling in the form below. You will be contacted within a few hours.

By sending us your data, you will receive offers for stays during events, with the possibility of attending through exclusive invitations.

Name (*)

Surname (*)



Nation (*)


Mobile Phone (*)

Email (*)

Job Position

Birthday (dd/mm/yyyy)


I authorize Domus Livia to use my personal data according to the provisions of Law 196/2003